Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not All I Hoped but I’ll Take It—Gladly. Liberalism Has Been Stopped in Its Tracks. Luck’s Been a Lady Tonight!

           Written at 12:45 a.m. Wednesday Morning.
         Liberalism has been halted. Look at it this way.  The House…thank God…is Republican and Lady Nancy is  expected to disdain being minority leader and make plans to leave Congress altogether.  That alone is worth the price of admission.  We’ve made great gains in the U. S. Senate.  When it was 3 to 1 Dem Mitch McConnell tied  them in knots so imagine what he can do with these ample reinforcements.  Particularly Rand Paul.  We picked up 10 governorships and here’s one I love:  RUBIO WINS IN FLORIDA. No more looking at that sun-tanned wizened switcher Charlie Crist.
          I’m told we have defeated Alexi Giannoulias which is about as good a news bulletin as I can imagine.   I’m told we won’t know about the governorship until morning but the margin is close.   That’s an attaboy but in the aw shucks category the defeat of Cedra Crenshaw by A.J. Wilhelmi for the state House and Brian Doherty losing to Mulroe for the state senate in my old northwest side.
        Happy about Dan Patlak.  Haven’t heard about Joel Pollak but will go to bed praying.
        The heartening thing is the GOP House gains here. When last I looked we ditched Halvorson for Kinzinger…we knocked out Hare—a real accomplishment replacing him with Bobby Schilling.  We took care of Bill Foster, an anomaly and replaced him with Hultgren.  Stunning—when last I looked Joey Walsh was ahead of Melissa Bean. Bob Dold finally put Dan Seals out to pasture.
     How does the Sinatra song go?  “Regrets, I’ve had a few but then again too few to mention.” I’ll mention some.  Hangdog Harry Reid squeaking by’s the big one.  I was hoping we’d get rid of Old Watery Eyes as governor tonight.   Still have hopes it’ll happen on Wednesday.  California. 
        But speaking of Californa…the pot referendum is beaten.  How can they reelect Boxer and return the nihilistic Jerry and yet do the right thing by keeping the marijuana ban?
      On this note: Are you happier going to bed tonight with what we’ve gained than when  you went to bed last night?
        YOU  BET!  I hear someone calling me: Are you ever coming to bed?  Yes dear.

1 comment:

  1. We're MUCH happier here in Wisconsin this morning too, Tom - Governor, majority in State House and Senate - and Ron Johnson!

    Time for real change...
