Friday, August 7, 2009

Thoughts While Shaving—Catholic Charities Should be Out of the Federal Grant Business…Birthday Sex: A Song to Inspire!


Catholic Charities: Stop Bedding with the Feds .

Catholic Charities USA has just landed the first federal contract of its career, and lo! it happened under Barack Obama: a 5-year federal agreement worth potentially more than $100 million. The monies, conferred by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the former abortion Catholic governor of Kansas, is a “natural disaster” relief fund to be dispersed to victims of such occurrences as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes, providing the feds designate the states to receive the money as “disaster areas.”

To kiss the secular ring of the most beneficent Master…the abortion president, Barack Obama, who as Illinois state legislator not long ago personally strangled to death legislation that would secure babies born from botched abortions that they will receive nourishment and comfort… a bevy of unctuous Uriah Heap bowing and scraping Roman Collars showed up the other day in the Oval Office.

Whee! Fr. Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA said, rubbing his hands: “It’s a model that’s dependent on local agencies being involved as well. While we have the contract, it means we’ll be partnering with our own Catholic agencies across the country [sic] and also with other community organizations to provide this case management.”

The sell-out—which is what it is--is disgusting in the extreme. Unanswered is this: what price did the Church have to pay and what strings are attached that we don’t know about? It is well known that when an organization agrees to accept federal money, it has to fully comply with government requirements which, the National Catholic Register reports, includes acceptance of all federal hiring practices which means the Church has sacrificed its right to reject employees and policy makers who disagree with elements of the Catholic ethic.

It’s the same deal that has been used as an excuse by so-called “Catholic” universities which has led to…they say as a sop…the hiring of non- and anti-Catholic educators and the weakening of Catholicity. DePaul University uses this as an excuse…invalidly…to justify its putting on Queer Studies: 101 for freshmen students—an abject violation of the moral law.

Get this straight: Because I believe the Church should NOT…definitely not…receive taxpayer money, it does not mean victims of natural catastrophes should not be aided. This aid should be distributed under secular conditions and from secular agencies: not Catholic ones. Catholic Charities should concern itself with dispensing private sector funds and exerting control over the well-being of souls thereby.

When will these tin-horn pro-Democratic prelates…not all of them but a good number…who glory in strutting down aisles attired with miter dispensing holy water via portable sprinkling reservoirs by the gallon…and who parse-parse-parse to evade responsibility believing that holding a couple of faux academic paper mache doctorates makes them superior to the laity…understand that this president is the arch-enemy of Life and should not be importuned or “honored” by handing out taxpayer dollars to disgrace a Church that was designated from the outset to be the Mystical Body of Christ? When will they be told that receipt of monies from governments is an inherent conflict of interest? Catholic contributors should tell the bishops, CC and the Most Reverend Ecclesiastics that Charities should not get a private contributors’ dime unless and until this and other church-state-county-city-township Mephistophelian bargains are abrogated.

Catholic Charities USA and locally should be drastically cut down in size to fit only private donations. The slack will be taken up by government itself and its multifarious agencies so the poor will not suffer. For the Church to dispense funds which ipso facto ties its hands for evangelization is an atrocity and counter to its purpose.

The Church should stop being an adjunct of the Obama government or any other administration…and should minister such corporeal works of mercy as private monies can afford…together with a lavish helping of the spiritual works of mercy which no public funds can buy. Vested liberal gold-chained, jowly-pol miter-gesticulating hierarchy of the USCCB…ensconced in their marble palace in D. C. where each prelate has his own microphone ala the UN Security Council at contributors’ expense…take notice.

Chicago Public Schools’ Era of Decadence.

When the record is made of this generation, its critics will not say that we have been intolerant…but that we have been unduly tolerant, unduly “broadminded” and despicably pagan in shrugging away the distinction between moral virtue and libertinism. Such as turning our eyes away from the appointment of the first “open” homosexual to run the Chicago Public Schools. Ah, how the media gushed! “Congrats to Chicago Public Schools chief Ron Huberman and his partner [sic], Darren Delong, on the birth of their first child, Aiden Dejong Huberman,” trilled society maven columnist Michael Sneed (how cute she has taken a man’s name).

Oooooooh! Sighed Carol Marin, the russet-thatched 50ish ex-anchor vestigial `60s revolutionary earning $100,000 plus, who still exudes the college freshman (pardon: fresh-woman) on summer break. Ooooh how discriminatory it is to receive such scant attention, wheezing sighs that Huberman and his lover will have to rear their child without many of the rights afforded heterosexual couples. She recalled years ago when she determined to have another child, considering what it might do to her TV anchor position.

Notice the liberal guilt (over nothing): “My small debate back then over balancing the public and the private in no way compares to what a gay couple such as Ron Huberman and his partner deal with, even today.” Note: Deal with what? Huberman is a former Daley chief of staff, has been head of the CTA and holds down one of the major posts in urban government…but, yes, what they have to deal with. Meaning: us bigots, people. Again Marin as she dabs her eyes hoping its liner won’t run before her next closeup:

“While some of us see the Huberman story as one that further advances the view of the normalcy [sic] of gay families [sic], state Rep Greg Harris [D-Chicago] reminded me Friday that it also `further advances the outrage of opponents…For people who believe in equality, it’s quietly reassuring…but not necessarily for the opposition.’ Harris, who is gay continues to spearhead efforts in the Illinois General Assembly to pass not only a civil union bill but one that legalizes gay marriage in this state.”

Groans Marin: “It hasn’t been easy but it’s made more difficult now by an economic crisis that trumps virtually everything else. As a result, Illinois’ gay and lesbian citizens still do not possess the same rights as the rest of us. But there is always hope. And today, that hope is wrapped in a blanket and watched over by two soon to be sleep-deprived fathers. Blessings to you, young Alden Delong Huberman and those who love you.”

Oh, Carol! How touching! How brave of Mayor Daley to name an outed homosexual to head the city’s schools, cognizant as he is of the gay voting bloc…and how brave of you, Carol, to applaud the young couple! Significant things were predicted to come from the Huberman appointment…and lo! they have! At Huberman’s suggestion the compliant mayor has chosen just the right guy to motivate CPS students to go back to school this fall—the madly popular singer Jeremih [spelling correct] of whom Daley in his what I strongly suspect is put-on neighborhood illiterate gabble described as “He’s a young man [with a] back-to-school message, a young man who has had great success recording, producer, going to school, went to public school, graduated from Morgan Park and like anything else he’s willing to help other youngsters in our public school system.”

Like the song he wrote and recorded “Birthday Sex” about a kid just the age of some of Chicago’s public schoolers who doesn’t have a birthday present to give to his girlfriend and so he decides to give her sex.

Isn’t that broadminded of the mayor, a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-promiscuity broadminded Catholic who receives Communion every Sunday at the mother church or the Democratic party, Old Saint Pat’s…isn’t that broadminded, tolerant of this public boss who sold his birthright to get elected, to approve the nomination of Jeremih from his gay school superintendent Huberman to lead the kids…Pied Piper-like…back to school braying about sex: “It’s your birthday so I know you want to ride out/ Even if we only go to my house/ Sip on weezy as we sit upon my couch/ Feels good but I know you want to cry out/…You kiss me so sweetly, taste just like Hershey’s/ Just tell me where you want your gift, girl.”

And the climax—er, conclusion:

“Girl you know I-I-I/ Don’t need candles and cake/ Just need your body to make/ Birthday sex…Birthday sex…Birthdays sex…Birthday sex!”

“Jeremih is a graduate of many songs and all that,” slobbered Daley after being reminded of the semi-porn nature of the song written by our Back-to-School model:

“Today you have all types of artists and music and like anything else you’re gong to sing their songs and let them sing it. It’s freedom of speech and he’s just pursuing his careers [sic] as well as making money off this and why not? He’s going to be a wunnerful engineer or whatever he’s going to do in life. He knows he’s going to do something and let him do it!”

Note to You Readers.

A few days ago I wrote about the need of the Chicago Ministerial Society (if there is such an animal) to begin a drive among our minority…principally black…youth in behalf of marriage. There has been no reaction either from the Chicago Archdiocese which parses-parses-parses or any of the other religions to do this. Will you join me in this campaign? You can do it by seeing that these columns are received by more people…free of charge. You either read this on my website or receive it via e-mail. Either way it’s free. I need more people to read this so we can get literally thousands of people…hopefully…leading a campaign to force the churches to do what they’re supposed to do instead of what they are doing—prattling over spurious “gun control” and lobbying for more federal funds to distribute more goodies. I figure all told I’ve got a thousand readers. I need many more so together we can motivate more people.

Here’s what I wish you’d do. Line up 10 people from your church or synagogue or civic organization or neighborhood to receive this. They can do it by either ringing it up on the website or getting it via e-mail. No cost to them or us. I want to build this up to pressure the churches…all of them including my own Catholic ones…to do what’s right. Let me know if you will. I pray you’ll help me with this. Tell me if you’ve lined up 10 or 6 or 4. Together we can get this done! Even with an octogenarian writing this stuff. Thanks; God bless. TFR.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I don't remember how I first discovered your column, but I am an avid fan---living in Alabama for the last 40 years. For most of my life, I have had a love for the Land of Lincoln, but am disturbed at its changes. So I send your columns to my relatives left behind in the ashes, hoping they will heed your words.
