Friday, January 8, 2010
Thoughts While Shaving: Obama’s Horny Budget Director…Obama: “Anti-Terror Buck Stops with Me”? Really? Let Me Ask this Question!
Feast of St. Apollinaris the Apologist*
Horny Budget Director.
Time was, in my youth, when highly visible federal officials were not picked because their private lives were complicated. But this is now, where the counterculture consists of traditionalist fogies who marry once and have children with their spouse...whereas the culture is more spectacular.
Illustrating the culture, take Peter Orszag, for instance. He's Obama's budget director. A staid article in The Times of yesterday headlined: "A Third Child for Orszag."
Simple enough. But the story is far more involved than appears at first. It began "Peter R. Orszag, President Obama's budget director, who recently announced his engagement, on Wednesday released a statement confirming that his previous girl-friend had a baby in November."
"The statement, which Mr. Orszag issued jointly with the woman, Claire Milonas, a shipping heiress from New York, said:
"`We were in a committed relationship [sic] until the Spring of 2998. In November, Claire gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Although we are no longer together, we are both thrilled that she is happy and healthy and we would hope that everyone will respect her privacy.'"
Meaning to the public: Buzz off from making a big deal about this or it will hurt the kid. Real meaning: Peter had to issue this news release because it leaked out in The New York Post and he and his betrothed don't want to end allusions to Peter's prior promiscuities. Bad for Orszag, bad for Obama.
News story continues: "Mr. Orszag, 41, announced just after Christmas that he had become engaged to Bianna Bolodryga, an ABC News correspondent whom he met in May at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. He and Ms. Milonas , who had been dating for several months before Mr. Orszag joined the Obama economic team, had broken up and he learned soon afterward that she was pregnant. Mr. Orszag, who was formerly director of the Congressional Budget Office and an economic adviser in the Clinton administration, has two young children with his former wife. They were divorced in 2005."
That kind of stuff is de rigeur for the Educated Class of Peter's lineage: Philips Exeter summa cum laude, Yale, then Harvard, finally Princeton Ph.D. Brookings Institution, then Clinton administration, then CBO director now White House.
Intrinsic meaning: Peter, already a father of two from a previous marriage, ditched his pregnant girlfriend, Milonas, 39, for the 30-year-old looker who appears daily on Good Morning America. Milonas is the daughter of billionaire shipping magnate Spiros Milonas. But everybody's very adult about it. Bolodryga made the announcement of their engagement on Good Morning America which is so spiffy. Peter, by the way, is a real wise-guy. The essence of being young and trendy and work for Obama is to quote song lyrics to show people how with it you are.
In testifying before Congress early last year he said about budget difficulties: "There ain't no right way to do the wrong thing."
It's taken from a lyric written by country-western star Toby Keith. The line fits Peter pretty well, don't you think?
The song of that title appears in Keith's album...called:
"White Trash with Money."
That fits him too, wouldn't you say?
How positively clever that the man hired for fiscal prudence can cite country music so offhandedly.
Now, the first thing Bolodryga might do for her Intended is something that his past wife or past mistress didn't--push him to invest in a better toupee.
Anti-Terror Buck Stops with Me: Obama.
He said yesterday at a news conference that he adjudges his first job is to protect the security of the American people. As the cameras whirred he said: "The buck stops with me to protect the security of the American people."
Big deal. Since you feel that way, why did you let your gumshoe AG Eric Holder decide to try the airline terrorist in civilian court which allows his lawyer to read the kid his Miranda rights, causing him to clam up? Before that this non-citizen and angry combatant in a war against us was running his mouth, telling our people what they need to know to protect further attempts from being launched against the American people you are sworn to protect.
Who's side are you and Holder on anyhow, Barack? Until now there never was a need to ask any president that question in my long lifetime. That's because all of them, dumb or smart, right or wrong, were patriots. But I ask it now of both of you, Barack:
Who's side are you really on? What possibly could have led you to provide constitutional protection to an enemy combatant who is a non-citizen?
Again, since this won't be printed in any newspaper because of political correctness which are my advanced age I am not limited by:
Who's side ARE you on? Ours or the embedded interests of the 3rd world which by your origins, your words and deeds have shown such sympathy for?
Police May Scrap Entrance Exam: Report.
The most outwardly offensively racist thing is to affirm that black people are dumber than whites. If so...and this is a truism...why is the Chicago Police Department, as reported by the Sun-Times' Fran Spielman, considering...even considering-indeed she writes is "seriously considering"-scrapping the police entrance exam. The reason would be to ostensibly bolster minority hiring and avert legal battles, say Spielman and Channel 5. "The CPD has tried in recent years to boost minority hiring by offering the police exam online and turning to minority clergy to help in the recruitment drive." But, both news sources say:
"Despite seeing an increase I the number of minority applicants in 2006, the last year the exam was offered, the online component was never launched. And as of last year, one in four patrol officers was African-American but just one in 12 Lieutenants was of color."
Mayor Daley, of course, acts predictably. His face reddens and he lies without blinking, saying he never heard of it. One of these days the ceiling is going to fall in from vengeance of an angry Deity in resentment for whoppers.
But the city's Department of Human Resources doesn't deny it. It says it is reviewing all options right now.
Let me tell you as one godfather of a variant of affirmative action...for which I do penance to my conscience every day...this is the most signal racist step that a government can take-foregoing entrance exams purportedly because blacks are too dumb to pass.
Let's hear from you on any of the foregoing at
*: St. Apollinaris the Apologist [died AD 179]. He was bishop of Hierapolis, Phyrgia, an ancient city in what is now Turkey. He was called the Apologist for his lucid explanation of theology in tracts written to Emperor Marcus Aurelius. I am glad somebody tried to clear Marcus up on a number of things. Ernie used to say that in his Meditations, Marcus tried to deny absolutes by saying that decisions had to rise above "good or bad." Sounds like what Everett Dirksen used to say jocularly: "Gentlemen, let us now rise above principle."
One more thing. My good wife has criticized my brief exposition of Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton whose feast was Monday the 4th, saying I short-changed Seton dreadfully, not mentioning that this founder of the Sisters of Charity really launched Catholic parochial education in the United States. Criticism noted and accepted, Lillian. Please forgive.
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