Monday, December 7, 2009

3 Mornings of Thoughts While Shaving: Kass’ Interview of McKenna Superbly Subtle…Blago’s Files “Stolen”?...All Hail Keith Mazikowski!...Cheryle Jackson Writes Her Own Rules. More.



My favorite newspaper columnist John Kass’ interview of Andy McKenna was superbly subtle which eluded some media critics. In the latest in a series of interviews which he’s doing on candidates for governor, he wrote a droll, tongue-in-cheek piece quoting McKenna’s insistence that he is an outsider. The piece was dripping with irony. It was also an elucidation of McKenna’s wrist-slashing dullness. God help us if the gubernatorial race turns out to be Hynes v. McKenna. The entire state will have to resort to No Doze just to get through it in November.

Blago’s Office Files “Stolen.”

This is vintage Squid. You hire someone to ransack your office and charge that your enemies are behind it…to gin up public sympathy, further influence the jury pool and allow your lawyers to plead for an indefinite extension of the trial. The “mainstream” media don’t even mention the possibility. The pussies.

Keith Mazikowski.

Keith has come up with some nifty and little recognized suggestions for Lucky Sperm.

Republican Ethan Hastert running for Congress in the 14th with the imprimatur of his father Denny who held that post.
Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh (IN) son of ex-Senator Birch Bayh.
Democrat Andrew Cuomo, attorney general of New York, son of Mario Cuomo.
Republican Duncan Hunter running for the U.S. House from California, the son of longtime congressman Duncan Hunter, chairman of Armed Services who ran briefly for president.

Democrat Rep. Tom Udall (CA) nephew of the late Rep. Morris Udall (D-AR) a onetime presidential candidate and son of Stuart Udall, Kennedy’s secretary of the interior.

Cheryl Robinson Jackson.

She’s the only black running as a Democratic candidate for the U. S. Senate who has occupied some important positions…notably president of the Chicago Urban League…but with typical studied arrogance she has served notice that she intends to set her own rules—by not filing her statement of financial worth on time…and that she’ll file it when she’s damn good and ready. Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

Desiree Rogers.

Three Secret Service operatives have been suspended on the Guest-Gate controversy but the person who was supposed to have major authority over the guest list, Desiree Rogers of Chicago, is protected from testifying to Congress by the White House. That’s because Rogers would be an embarrassment. It’s well known that she wants to use the Social Security status to embroider her own status at the White House as more than a staffer but as a celebrity. In fact she attended the first state dinner as a guest not as a working staffer which she’s paid to be. David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel have put the clamp on her testifying because under adroit questioning her inflated view of herself would become clear. In fact she’s a crony of the Obamas much as old poker player Gen. Harry Vaughan was to President Truman. She had no staffers on duty to check in the guests and I suspect the couple in question were admitted because they were dressed to the 9’s and had an Arabic name.

The Economist.

Will this old subscription to “The Economist” ever run out? The so-called newspaper has veered leftward with a jolt in the last year. Pro-abort, pro-gay rights, pro- the myth that FDR solved the Depression, it meanders under false colors of a so-called “conservative” publication which it decidedly is not. The latest issue emblazons “Stopping Climate Change” in a 14-page special report. Guess what? Not a line mentioned the acknowledged fraud, doctoring statistics et al in the hacker-released emails from England! Almost like this scandal never existed. There is absolutely no difference between the run-of-the-mill liberal pap on issues in the U. S.’s news market and this rag.

USCCB Spends $2 Million Absolving Gayness.

Sometimes you get the feeling that the tiller of the USCCB is slipping to and fro with no direction…just vapid aimlessness. Right you are: “The Wanderer,” the nation’s premier national Catholic publication features a story in its Dec. 3 issue by my colleague Chris Manion that the Conference of Bishops under George’s “leadership” [sic] has just spent $2 million of the money collected from the pews to pay experts to prove that homosexuality played no role in the clerical abuse scandals. Very interesting since it is clear that the Church’s biggest problem comes from the lavender clergy which was allowed to expand since the 1960s…and which has seen no reversal since George has been at the…ahem …“helm.” Hiring “experts” to ratify the presuppositions of the boss is an old gig…something that no amount of parsing-parsing-parsing can justify.

Dr. Arie Friedman MD for Congress.

He clocks just about 100% on all the issues that concern me. Who? Forty-three year-old Dr. Arie Friedman, MD from Highland Park who is seeking the 10th district Republican congressional nomination to succeed Rep. Mark Kirk who is running for the Senate. The pack is full of contenders starting with pro-abort, pro-gay righter State Rep. Elizabeth Coulson (R-Glenview) who is so liberal she declined to endorse George W. Bush for reelection in 2004. Friedman was on my show Sunday night. Thumbnail bio: graduated from the U of C with a BA in biology. Seven days after graduating he joined the U. S. Navy’s officer candidate school, was commissioned an Ensign, was commissioned a naval aviator, qualified to fly both fixed wing and rotary aircraft (helicopters).

He was deployed in Operation Desert Storm aboard the USS Vandegrift, conducted 400 shipboard landings, 183 at night, was the first American pilot to land on a vessel of the Indian navy, became the squadron’s second-ever helicopter aircraft commander. After leaving the Navy he went to medical school, graduating at the top of his class at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He’s a pediatrician, winner of the Tom C. Reeves award for outstanding achievement as a medical student…is a member of the teaching faculties at the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Children’s Memorial and Lutheran General, was chairman of pediatrics at Advocate Condell Medical center, listed in “North Shore magazine” as one of the area’s top physicians.
Married with five kids, an observant Jew attending Beth El Synagogue in Highland Park.

He’s the best I’ve found in that Republican list. Check him out at

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