1. Miss USA Contest.
The gay lobby raving queen division is overreacting by assailing not just a tenet of Christianity but Jesus Christ. Perez Hilton, a raving homosexual queen who makes no bones about appearing as a synthesis of anti-Judeo Christian evil, turned thumbs down on a contestant for Miss USA because she announced her support of marriage between a man and a woman. Hilton punished her for her views by marking her grade zero which lost the contest for Carrie Prejean, Miss Californiaan errant act for which Miss Universe must be held responsible. Later he tore into Prejean in a YouTube video he made after the contest calling her in truly hysterical queen aberrant talk a b---h and worse, describing her in a disgracefully obscene term referring to a scatological mention of female anatomy. He drew a pornographic cartoon of Prejean.
This follows the behavior of another, flagrant, fragrant media crown prince, a CNN anchor who communicated obscenely via code to gay radicals concerning his hatred of the tea-party anti-tax concept.
While the concept of hate crimes is a liberal creation, Hilton has undeniably made the concept acceptable by his gutter behavior.
Finally this demented blogging circus clown who has posed nude to expose his genitalia while wearing a crimson wig, attacked Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, by saying he demands a Miss USA winner be politically savvy and because Prejean is a Christian hePerez Hiltondoesnt want her talking about Jesus-Jesus-Jesus because thats offensive.
The litany of disgust continues with Keith Lewis, executive director of Miss CA USA writing that he is personally saddened and hurt that Miss CA USA 2009 believes marriage rights being only to a man and a woman. Although I believe all religions should be able to ordain what unions they see fit, I do not believe our government should be able to discriminate against anyone. Religious beliefs have no place in politics of the CA USA family.
Another rooter against Prejean and in favor of gay marriage was celebrity Miley Cyrus the Hannah Montana star who wrote in a Twitter Ya, thats lame. Gods greatest commandment is to love. And judging is not loving [sic]. Thats why Christians have such a bad rep. Also supporting Hilton was Britney Spearsno surprise. Both celebrity poodles should feel the sting in their pocketbooks.
To my mind, the dustup is a very good thing. It spotlights the insatiable madness of the extreme gay rights movement that has just acted in a thoroughly disreputable, obscene and anti-religious way. It shows that we are engaged in not just a battle of abstruse moral philosophy but a duel e that will end either by abrogating religious and human rights or validating them. I cheer the fact that the time is coming when those of us who support Christian morals will be discriminated against as was Miss California for expressing our views. It should bring our resolve to win this culture war front and center.
What Prejean should do is take advantage of her right for legal redress. She was discriminated against by the pageant for espousing her beliefs which is a clear violation of Title VII which prohibits discrimination based on religion. The suit should be entered against the Miss Universe organization and Miss USA for allowing a sick, perverted semi-animal like Perez Hilton to be a judge, knowing full well that he lives for controversy and is nourished by it. An Hispanic woman who won the Miss California USA contest last year and whose crown was taken away shortly thereafter sued the group on basis of race discriminationsued for $500,000 before receiving a settlement. That should be de rigeur for this case because the evidence of religious hatred is visible and at hand.
And what Christians of all denominations should do is treat Miley Cyrus and other anti-religious bigots where they feel it mostin the pocketbook. In no way should Hannah Montana be regarded as a model of teen-aged girlhood but what she isan articulate instrument of the decadent raving queen lobby in Hollywood. A consumer boycott action should continue against Campbell Soup um, um good indeed which pledges more gay ads and promotes two Mommy families and should scout out the position of other elements of corporate America including Pepsi.
2. Shows You What Rahm Knows.
It was just the other day on the tube with his good colleague and ideological partner George Stephanopoulos with whom he shared battle plans during the Clinton years and with whom he continues as fellow liberal that Rahm Emanuel from the exalted vantage-point of chief of staff to the president assured the nation that George W. Bushs people will not be prosecuted by the Obama-maniacs because they defended the country against terrorist attacks. That shows what Emanuel knows: nothing. Yesterday his boss, His Silken Suavity who without teleprompter goes um-um-um announced that he would let his Justice Department do its will: a disgraceful decision but one in line with all others that is bound to unleash a tsunami backlash which will do in Barack Obama by the next congressional election.
It is instructive to know when, if ever, he will challenge his left-wing base which has been calling for the heads of all those who protected America from its enemies. All in all, it has been a terrific week for those who want to see the Obama-mania discredited: bowing low to the king of Saudi Arabia, grinning with Hugo Chavez, listening to Daniel Ortega blister the country but shrugging it off because he didnt talk about me the ultimate narcissist and now his horror at our going tough on those who want to overthrow the country. Why should he carehes not an American anyhow.
In alla satisfying week for the move to take back the country. I never believed things would go all this well. I had worried that the Obama-maniacs would behave in liberal but orthodox fashion. That they have raced to the left with such ferocity is not a bad omen for change, beginning in 2010.
It's time for all of us to drop out of participation in mass entertainment and mass media. The only reason I know about this story is because I happened to watch a story on cable news.
ReplyDeleteLet's back up. This is a spat between a beauty contestant and a gay blogger. Why would I care?