Thursday, October 9, 2008

Personal Aside: The 3 Questions that Could Decide the Election—and No They’re Not Issue Hairsplitting.


3 Questions.

Big Media want the presidential campaign to focus on “the issues” by which they mean the mesh of confusing statistics on the economy, tax cuts, energy and health care by which Obama…twisting and turning…endeavors to make himself invisible to hair-splitting evaluation. On the economy he is a master at changing direction to obfuscate the fact that he is a redistributionist. On foreign policy he is a veritable chameleon hiding the fact that in debate with Hillary Clinton he advocated negotiation with Iran with no preconditions. On energy he tongues-in-cheek a mention of drilling and says as an aside “yes, nuclear” but is the same-old, same-old. In issue debates, frankly, the truth isn’t in him. As he never has recognized absolutes of any kind, he is at a distinct advantage. He is a giant squid, inking the water with deception and the establishment media cheer him on—warning McCain that the worst thing he can do is to focus on “character.”
Nonsense, the only way McCain can win is to ask these three questions and take the furor that Obama and his media allies diffuse.
What sort of man is it who four straight times…as chairman of Senate Judiciary… killed the “Born Alive” bill in the Illinois Senate…thus depriving babies born alive from botched abortions to receive nutrition and medical care? No other Democratic candidate for president has taken that position. The answer contrived by Obama’s Artful Dodger, David Axelrod, that the legislative bill was different from the one that passed the Congress later is a lie. Obama…and his wife…were willing to allow infanticide to exist so that “Roe v. Wade” would not be jeopardized. A shocking disregard for human life that cannot be contrasted by any other Democratic presidential nominee.

Answer: A craven, rudderless opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his own opportunistic career advancement ahead of anything else including human life.

What sort of man is it who sits in a church for 20 years while his pastor…his good friend…god damns the United States of America? And who then throws his pastor under the bus when it gets hot?

Answer: The same. A craven, rudderless, opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his own career ahead of anything else including his once firm friends whom he later saw as impediments to his political career which he placed ahead of any other factor.

What sort of man is it who buddies with an undisguised, unrepentant terrorist (who never apologized for bombing the Pentagon) and who used this association in the early days to advance himself by gaining a foundation chairmanship and other benefits—throwing Billy Ayres under the bus when it became advantageous…Axelrod, the Artful Dodger, declaring that Obama never knew of Ayres’ connection because Obama was 3 years old when Ayres bombed the Pentagon?

Answer: A craven, rudderless, opportunistic trimmer with no fixed principles who has always placed his political career ahead of anything else including his once firm friends whom he later saw as impediments to his political career which he placed ahead of any other factor—including love of country.

A bit of history. There was never a time when Bill Ayres allowed his radical history to dissolve into the mists of time. He traded on it. I met him in the 1980s when he and Bernardine Dohrn lived in a Hyde Park carriage house adjunct to the house John McDermott owned. McDermott was his landlord. This was about the time Obama came to town. Ayres has always boasted of his hatred of the United States and always…to me particularly…said how he regretted not doing more damaged to the United States. In fact given this culturally deprived society we are living in, Ayres and his wife benefited from their terrorist associations…she landing a job in the law firm where Michelle Obama worked…he become a celebrity in the fey, decadent lefty society that comprised the Hyde Park of the time.

Axelrod gets away with the fiction that Obama didn’t know Ayres’ background because he trades on the lefty nature of the pro-Obama, supine media of Chicago…imagine a prominent TV “political reporter” on CBS-TV asked him to allow a photo taken with his family when he gets to the White House and to send him a Christmas tree ornament. That’s the objective nature of this local media beast with no teeth but gummy patronization where Obama is concerned. Why did it take a local blogger, Fran Eaton (kudos to her) to unveil the truth about Jeremiah Wright? Why did it then take a national ABC TV correspondent to make it national? Where was the supine Chicago media cross-eyedly Democratic ? Hoping to get THEIR kids to be photographed with the next president.

These are the questions that can make the difference—if. If McCain is willing to risk opprobrium. We’ll see.


  1. It's too late because the election is effectively over. The economy has swamped not only Bush, but also McCain.

  2. From little ACORNs mighty frauds do grow. I love it. Your sheriff will not evict people that default on the sub-prime mortgages that they got via ACORN's coercive actions. It will be interesting to see how property taxes are waived for these privledged folks.
