Clinton, Mahton Bahton and Fish.
Tempting as it would be to think that Bill Clinton really blew it, referring to Chris Wallaces smirk on his face, raising the specter of the Far Right conspiracy yet again, tying Rupert Murdock into it in an attempt to cover his hind quarters over his failure to kill Bin Laden this skilled politician skillfully applied the axiom: never lose your temper unless for effect. You must remember that in that interview Clinton had no place to go. A technically bad decision to be interviewed by Fox News led to questions to which no onenot even Clintoncan give supportable answers. So when confronted with that problem, the political axiom goes, appeal to your base: defend yourself with visible anger, resurrect the notion of persecution by the far-right.
In 1936 with a recession begin to revive casting doubt on his palliatives, FDR looked around and saw the Republicans gathering strength. He was being assailed by Joe Martin the House GOP leader by ad money raised by ad mogul Bruce Barton of BBD&0 and by insults to his patriotism by his own upstate New York Congressman, Hamilton Fish. That led Robert Sherwood to write the diatribe wherein FDR listed his enemies as economic royalists and harpooned a litany of names which an excitable Democratic crowd helped him say by shouting back to himMartin Barton and Fish! We have fought the reactionaries through passage of Social Security and farm aid, said Rooseveltbut we have been hobbled by the trio of
Crowd: Martin, Barton and Fish! Or as FDR said in his sonorous New York accent: Mahton Bahton and Fish.
He didnt have the time or Sherwood to think up a variant of Mahton Bahton and Fish, but by and large, Clinton came out all right with just a little hair singeing in what could have been a very dangerous situation. He electrified the Democratic partys base. He was overheard later in the anteroom threatening to fire the staffer who had signed him up for Fox which more than anything else showed the magnitude of the danger. Going on Fox was the errorbut Clinton got out of the box by feigning anger and did it well. That doesnt mean that there is no doubt about his performance as president anent terrorism. A host of lies and overstatements came from his lips in his own defense especially the whopper that Richard Clarke was fired (a blooper that appeared also in the ABC documentary) but Clinton survived an ambush by Wallace that no other reputable newsman would try. The bluster may not have been effective with independents and Republicans but won well with the liberal base and Clinton escaped without much political harm. The residual effect of the ABC program and the Wallace questions harms his reputation, no doubt. But it could have been oh so much worse.
Still you must remember that Mike Noonan is the best campaign manager and strategist the Democratic party has: he is the man who managed the campaign in the heart of Republican McHenry county that got Democrat Jack Franks elected by an eyelash and enabled Franks to build on that victory to an unassailable position now. What Noonan has to do now is to devise a completely positive, even stringent, progressive platform for his candidate, outlining cuts, eschewing tax hikes, issuing a blueprint for reform. Mikes weakness is that he will try to make Alan Keyes the perpetual hob-goblin in the campaign. If Keyes is, Noonan and his candidate marionette, could lose. I have faith in Noonan the savvy. But if you continually keep hearing Alan Keyes-Alan Keyes and see the pumpkin-head always raised on a stick as a far-right gargoyle, you know that Noonan hasnt hit on a positive program for the campaign yet. If he doesnt, the Democrats may very well blow it. Time is ebbing fast.
New Additions to the Roosevelt Lecture Circuit.
Speaking the next weekOctober 26 at 6 p.m. will be Ron Gidwitz, former CEO of Helene Curtis, now a private entrepreneur and a candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in the March primary. He is former chairman of the state Board of Education and has been a Republican committeeman of the 43rd Chicago ward and has been a key player in business circles in Chicago for many years. Thus he is well equipped to talk about the constituencies of business state government and political party. More speakers coming.
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