Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Congratulations to Lynn Sweet

…for continuing to manage the fire-power for President-to-Be Barack Obama and Congresswoman-to-Be Tammy Duckworth. Chicago’s unapologetically Democratic newspaper told us that, sadly, Obama will not be making the presidential race in 2008. That is indeed too bad as it would be splendiferous for the networks to run Roots-type dramatizations of the book “Dreams of My Father” while all of us would be expected to act like we’re in church as we view the matriculation of young Barack through the torturously discriminatorily tough grind of Harvard Law as he surmounted the challenges mounted by the likes of Lawrence Tribe.

Ms. Sweet even tossed care to the winds to report that her favorite Rahm Emanuel was going to co-host an event for Tammy at a lobbyist-law firm in Washington to be attended by San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi (whose endorsement of Duckworth will go over well with independents and Republicans in the 6th district of Illinois). Not long ago Sweet acted like the staff of God’s righteous anger in condemning Peter Roskam for receiving support at events identical—but, you see, it depends on who’s receiving the largesse. Anyhow for her fearlessly Democratic broadsides in behalf of a journalism that I for one wish would return—the old-fashioned, partisan kind—Sweet deserves applause. The Sun-Times still has a way to go by getting rid of some national tokens like Will, O’Reilly and Barone which sully its locally leftward tone.


  1. Literate people do not read the Sun Times.

  2. "Obama will not be making the presidential race in 2008. That is indeed too bad as it would be splendiferous for the networks to run Roots-type dramatizations of the book “Dreams of My Father” while all of us would be expected to act like we’re in church as we view the matriculation of young Barack through the torturously discriminatorily tough grind of Harvard Law as he surmounted the challenges mounted by the likes of Lawrence Tribe."

    Tom, surely your not suggesting that the "biographical sketches" presented in various forms by multiple outlets are the fault of the individuals portrayed. Though your show was enjoyable last Sunday, Joe Birkett and Noonan can't take responsibility for your fawning below (Unless the PR industry is more sophisticated than even I imagined.) any more than you can be knocked for my enjoyment of your show.
